
Sad Girls…

I used to be involved with a cheater. Actually a couple of them. I promised myself I would never put my heart in the arms of one ever again. I received a Google message from who I thought was my ex-boyfriend last year. "He" messaged me like he would normally do.. "Hi!" And so I responded back… Continue reading Sad Girls…



This picture exemplifies what God thinks about our plans, and when we tell Him what we’re going to do… Being serious for a moment, when we try to fix our situation or problem, He is probably up there laughing at us saying Now, how she going to tell Me what’s best for her? I created… Continue reading Plans


His Will

I must say… the past 2 weeks has been the most trying of all of 2014. I could say and ask God Well, I mean, I do everything you tell me to. I go out in ministry when you tell me to. I give, and pour into others. I have been changing for the good.… Continue reading His Will