
Let Your Words Speak Louder Than Your Words

...plainly - put your money where your mouth is! Because of the shifting of things and ideals at my place of employment... everything has been totally transformed into a new way of doing things. Even though my old company was bought under, and as I am writing this, I realized it really became a new place of employment.… Continue reading Let Your Words Speak Louder Than Your Words


Your Roots

Last year, at the end of Fall, I told the lawn maintenance people of my complex to cut the bush OUT in front of my house -- It was looking raggedy and unattractive. I told them to cut it at the roots. (Just because I wanted to plant another type of flower in my flower bed… Continue reading Your Roots


Decisions… Decisions…

So how many of us are faced with daily decisions? Everyone has their hand raised…right? Ok, so I was reading up on how to make wise decisions? I mean, I am at a point where I am scared (terrified) of making the wrong decision, because I know how greatly it can impact me. I’m talking… Continue reading Decisions… Decisions…