
Overwhelmingly Tired

I really didn’t sign up for this, is my initial thinking. I shake my head as I somehow try to keep my head above water. During the day I gasp for air, sometimes thinking I am drowning in my situations & circumstances.
So much has happened in the course of 1 year. I look back and I wonder when did all of this start to happen? Everything seemed like it came on at once. How do I juggle?
First I gulped down a truthful statement: ‘…when someone has been given much, much will be required in return. And when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.’ (Luke 12:48 NLV)
But I just feel like I am running myself to the ground. 
One of my favorite scriptures is Jesus directly saying ‘…come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’ (Matthew 11:28 NLV). So the bible tells me that Jesus wants to carry my burdens. He cares enough about me to exchange his light weights for my heavy weights. Because He wants to provide rest for our souls. And our souls need rest. Our bodies need rest from the burdens and responsibilities the world, and even ourselves at times, put on us. How can we continue to do good work, work we need to do when our souls are tired? When we are weak, and drained?
Jesus wants to carry it all, so we can go forth into what we have to do for Him. We have to go forth into what He has called us to do. To go forth in our purpose. Galatians 6:9 says to us ‘So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.’ So God doesn’t want us to give up in doing what is good. His good works He called us to do. It’s so easy to give up, and throw in the towel because you are tired. Just like it is so easy to lay down and take a nap with so many tasks to do for the day. But God’s Son wants us to rest on Him and in Him so we won’t grow weary.
In times where I feel overwhelmed and tired, I find comfort in knowing that Jesus has my back. Just reading those passes in the bible comforted me and gave me peace. Gave me hope. Recently, my life I feel has gotten a little hectic. The business I am starting, the ministry work, present circumstances personally… all had my mind chaotic. But finding rest in Jesus is one of the things I am so grateful he offers us being a child of God.
Before I go, just know 1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Never stop praying” is a real guidance for our lives. We must never stop praying to God. Never stop communicating with Him. Talking to Him. He is the best compass for our lives.

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